Computer Turns on But No Display on Monitor || Easy Fixed || No Display

Computer Turns on But No Display on Monitor

No display on monitor__ pc turns on but no display easy fixed

computer turns on but no display on monitor

All right, so what you're seeing nowhere is an open PC desktop PC. And the problem is, with this one is there is no display coming from the monitor. So let me just show you that first and turn on the switch, you can see the processor is on. But there is no display coming from the monitor and has a graphic skirt, which is working perfectly. And it's connected to the HDMI to that monitor over there. And let me tell you that most of the time, the problem of this no display caused by the RAM, the faulty RAM, or the connection problem. And that's stuff like that. So first of all, you need to check the ram first, which is properly connected to the socket of the motherboard. And let me turn this off. computer turns on but no display on monitor

Okay. This is the ram it's a two GB Delia to ram. And most of the time, the problem is this connection, you can see the golden line here. These are the connection on both sides. And what you need to do is you need to clean this. For cleaning this just use and wait here reserve just like this. And you just fit through the areas are on this golden line. Just like this. Remember that there are so many SMD parts are here, very small, don't use much pressure, you may damage these tiny little components on both sides, you can see that. So just, computer turns on but no display on monitor

rub those are all over the golden line. very softly on both sides. And that's it, we're done. And also we can use some blowing air to the socket to clean it up. And that's it. You don't need to do anything else. And now let's place the ram to the socket. Okay, it's nicely done. Now with me again, let's try to turn it on. And there you go on display is there you can see that. And now we need to just set up the bias that and that's it. Most of the time when you have no display the problem is with the RAM, the connection and most of the time the connections and sometimes the ram may be faulty. And that's it. So that's all for today. See you in the next video. Thanks for watching guys. Bye. computer turns on but no display on monitor

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