OnePlus 9 Pro || OnePlus 9 Pro Launch Date || OnePlus 9 Pro Specs

OnePlus 9 Pro || OnePlus 9 Pro Launch Date || OnePlus 9 Pro Specs

Hello, guys, welcome back. And there is a big, big problem, the launch event of the one plus nine pro might be in some serious trouble. One plus might be screwed once again, and who screwed one plus. Bad, bad apple. So let me explain. One plus has just revealed that they will do the nine pro launch event on the 23rd of March. So far, so good. But then comes Apple with guns blazing. And they also want to do their event on 23rd of March, where they will announce the new airports, the iPad, the Apple TV, and the air tags. And guys, believe me, Apple is a beast. Even though this event is not for the iPhone, it will for sure get more coverage than the one plus nine pros event robbing one plus from the majority of its media coverage you guys might not know or might not remember. But this exact same thing happened three years ago with the one plus expeed one plus had a date set. But then Apple announced that they also want to have the event on the same day. So then one plus had to move their event back in hope of getting some media coverage. And one plus even graciously agreed to pay for the hotel and travel bookings have media personnel who already had booked their schedule according to the original event date. Thankfully, this year, even if they have to move the event forward or backward. They won't have to pay media personnel for booking because it's an online event guy. As of now, one plus has not changed their event date because Apple has not yet officially confirmed the launch creates a leak, a very very trustable leak I might add but still a leak. So there are still chances that Apple might not have their event on 23rd. But when Apple does announce that they will have the event on 23rd one plus will be in some serious trouble. And I personally think that they will have to move their launch event once again. Because one plus as big as they might be now they just don't have the pool Apple has in the global audience. So one plus for sure will get neglected if Apple and one plus are announcing their products on the same day. So I think it will be beneficial for one plus to move the event. And this time, it won't be such a huge deal because it's an online event that is pre-recorded. So one plus can just play the tape a day or two sooner or later. It's not like they have booked a huge physical venue with hundreds and hundreds of people expected to be present. So it will for sure suck for one plus to be in this position twice. And both times because of apples. But for them, the better thing would be to move their launch event because if Apple has eight sides set on 23rd of March, believe me, Apple's not gonna change their event. They won't budge at all. Or the second and the worst option is that one plus could just try their chances going head to head with Apple and hope for the best. Let me know guys what do you think one plus should do here? Whatever they do, I will be here to cover it firsthand. So subscribe for that. Hit the like button guys, if you enjoyed You can also follow me over on Twitter and guys. Thanks a lot for watching.

OnePlus 9 Pro || OnePlus 9 Pro Launch Date || OnePlus 9 Pro Specs

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